

Donna's All Natural
St Fiacre
Contact Us


Craving some juicy pork chops or delectable ham? Ever wanted to really “bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan”? This summer we will again have all natural pork for sale.    Our pigs are kept outdoors, giving them access to fresh air, sunshine, mud and green, growing plants.   They are also fed a diet of non medicated grains, produce and grasses to keep them healthy and “happy”  


The pigs will be brought into the butcher sometime in the fall.  We will sell the pork by the half or whole hog.  (see price list below) You will pay us for the pig, based on the hanging weight and pay the butcher for the processing separately so you can customize how you want the pig processed (hams, bacon, sausage, brats, etc) .  We will also have a limited quantity of “pork sampler packs” available.  Reserve your half or whole hog by sending us a $20 down payment as soon as possible.  We sold out very quickly last year.


Whole or half hog

$1.60/ lb hanging weight  + processing fees.


Pork sampler packs will be assembled and priced at a later date.


For more information or to reserve a whole or half hog, contact us.

What do I get out of a whole (or half) hog?

Pork Cooking Tips